Liana "Li" Evans

Customer Experience Consultant

Digital Transformation Strategist

Adobe Subject Matter Expert

Liana "Li" Evans

Customer Experience Consultant

Digital Transformation Strategist

Adobe Subject Matter Expert

Customer Experience Management & Consumer Engagement Blog
November 20, 2009 Social Media Tactics vs A Sound Social Media Strategy

*This content was previously published on Social Conversations in November 2009.  Social conversations was a product of Serengeti Communications which…

November 13, 2009 Can Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp Sites Survive Without Google? Could Social Media be the Key?

*This content was previously published on Social Conversations in November 2009.  Social conversations was a product of Serengeti Communications which…

October 20, 2009 New Google Analytics Features Can Help You Track Your Social Media Success & Failures

*This content was previously published on Social Conversations in October 2009.  Social conversations was a product of Serengeti Communications which…

September 15, 2009 Digg, StumbleUpon & MySpace are Worthless Compared to Twitter ….

*This content was previously published on Social Conversations in September 2009.  Social conversations was a product of Serengeti Communications which…